v0.13.0 ======= :date: 2016-01-12 Dropped Django 1.5-1.6 support, added Django 1.9. Bugfixes -------- * Various performance improvements (#1330, #1335, #1337, #1363) * More descriptive error messages (#1201) * Throttled requests now include Retry-After header. (#1204) * In DecimalField.hydrate, catch decimal.InvalidOperation and raise ApiFieldError (#862) * Add 'primary_key' Field To Schema (#1141) * ContentTypes: Remove 'return' in __init__; remove redundant parentheses (#1090) * Allow callable strings for ToOneField.attribute (#1193) * Ensure Tastypie doesn't return extra data it received (#1169) * In DecimalField.hydrate, catch decimal.InvalidOperation and raise ApiFieldError (#862) * Fixed tastypie's losing received microseconds. (#1126) * Data leakage fix (#1203) * Ignore extra related data (#1336) * Suppress Content-Type header on HTTP 204 (see #111) (#1054) * Allow creation of related resources that have an 'items' related_name (supercedes #1000) (#1340) * Serializers: remove unimplemented to_html/from_html (#1343) * If GEOS is not installed then exclude geos related calls. (#1348) * Fixed Resource.deserialize() to honor format parameter (#1354 #1356, #1358) * Raise ValueError when trying to register a Resource class instead of a Resource instance. (#1361) * Fix hydrating/saving of related resources. (#1363) * Use Tastypie DateField for DateField on the model. (SHA: b248e7f) * ApiFieldError on empty non-null field (#1208) * Full schema (all schemas in a single request) (#1207) * Added verbose_name to API schema. (#1370) * Fixes Reverse One to One Relationships (Replaces #568) (#1378) * Fixed "GIS importerror vs improperlyconfigured" (#1384) * Fixed bug which occurs when detail_uri_name field has a default value (Issue #1323) (#1387) * Fixed disabling cache using timeout=0, fixes #1213, #1212 (#1399) * Removed Django 1.5-1.6 support, added 1.9 support. (#1400) * stop using django.conf.urls.patterns (#1402) * Fix for saving related items when resource_uri is provided but other unique data is not. (#1394) (#1410)