.. _authorization: ============= Authorization ============= Authorization is the component needed to verify what someone can do with the resources within an API. Authorization answers the question "Is permission granted for this user to take this action?" This usually involves checking permissions such as Create/Read/Update/Delete access, or putting limits on what data the user can access. Usage ===== Using these classes is simple. Simply provide them (or your own class) as a ``Meta`` option to the ``Resource`` in question. For example:: from django.contrib.auth.models import User from tastypie.authorization import DjangoAuthorization from tastypie.resources import ModelResource class UserResource(ModelResource): class Meta: queryset = User.objects.all() resource_name = 'auth/user' excludes = ['email', 'password', 'is_superuser'] # Add it here. authorization = DjangoAuthorization() Authorization Options ===================== Tastypie ships with the following ``Authorization`` classes: ``Authorization`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The no-op authorization option, no permissions checks are performed. .. warning:: This is a potentially dangerous option, as it means *ANY* recognized user can modify *ANY* data they encounter in the API. Be careful who you trust. ``ReadOnlyAuthorization`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This authorization class only permits reading data, regardless of what the ``Resource`` might think is allowed. This is the default ``Authorization`` class and the safe option. ``DjangoAuthorization`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The most advanced form of authorization, this checks the permission a user has granted to them (via ``django.contrib.auth.models.Permission``). In conjunction with the admin, this is a very effective means of control. The ``Authorization`` API ========================= An ``Authorization``-compatible class implements the following methods: * ``read_list`` * ``read_detail`` * ``create_list`` * ``create_detail`` * ``update_list`` * ``update_detail`` * ``delete_list`` * ``delete_detail`` Each method takes two parameters, ``object_list`` & ``bundle``. ``object_list`` is the collection of objects being processed as part of the request. **FILTERING** & other restrictions to the set will have already been applied prior to this call. ``bundle`` is the populated ``Bundle`` object for the request. You'll likely frequently be accessing ``bundle.request.user``, though raw access to the data can be helpful. What you return from the method varies based on the type of method. Return Values: The List Case ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the case of the ``*_list`` methods, you'll want to filter the ``object_list`` & return only the objects the user has access to. Returning an empty list simply won't allow the action to be applied to any objects. However, they will not get a HTTP error status code. If you'd rather they received an unauthorized status code, raising ``Unauthorized`` will return a HTTP ``401``. Return Values: The Detail Case ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the case of the ``*_detail`` methods, you'll have access to the ``object_list`` (so you know if a given object fits within the overall set), **BUT** you'll want to be inspecting ``bundle.obj`` & either returning ``True`` if they should be allowed to continue or raising the ``Unauthorized`` exception if not. Raising ``Unauthorized`` will cause a HTTP ``401`` error status code in the response. Implementing Your Own Authorization =================================== Implementing your own ``Authorization`` classes is a relatively simple process. Anything that is API-compatible is acceptable, only the method names matter to Tastypie. An example implementation of a user only being able to access or modify "their" objects might look like:: from tastypie.authorization import Authorization from tastypie.exceptions import Unauthorized class UserObjectsOnlyAuthorization(Authorization): def read_list(self, object_list, bundle): # This assumes a ``QuerySet`` from ``ModelResource``. return object_list.filter(user=bundle.request.user) def read_detail(self, object_list, bundle): # Is the requested object owned by the user? return bundle.obj.user == bundle.request.user def create_list(self, object_list, bundle): # Assuming they're auto-assigned to ``user``. return object_list def create_detail(self, object_list, bundle): return bundle.obj.user == bundle.request.user def update_list(self, object_list, bundle): allowed = [] # Since they may not all be saved, iterate over them. for obj in object_list: if obj.user == bundle.request.user: allowed.append(obj) return allowed def update_detail(self, object_list, bundle): return bundle.obj.user == bundle.request.user def delete_list(self, object_list, bundle): # Sorry user, no deletes for you! raise Unauthorized("Sorry, no deletes.") def delete_detail(self, object_list, bundle): raise Unauthorized("Sorry, no deletes.")